For University Students ****************************************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE USE OF GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * for university students *========================================================================================= Dear Students, In today’s academic environment, we encounter with increasing frequency advanced tools bas intelligence (AI) that make it easier for us to create texts, codes, audiovisual works, an according to our ideas and needs, and these tools are becoming increasingly available. We recommend that you learn to work efficiently with these tools and to use them properly, be open doors to many opportunities in the future, both in your professional and personal lif However, it should be emphasized that the main goal of independent work is to nurture crea thinking, two elements that are key competencies for succeeding in your field of study and general. These competencies primarily include the ability to formulate one’s own hypothese and correctly use relevant information sources, to carry out one’s own analyses and interp argue one’s own conclusions, and to apply theoretical knowledge to practical issues in the of an area of study. Hence, use AI tools prudently, and above all, to develop skills relating to your studies. The objective of these recommendations is to formulate Basic Principles for the ethical, c sustainable, and safe use of AI in an academic environment Transparency The use of AI tools must be consistent with the principles of academic and personal and mo (including, for example, adherence to ethical principles and honest behaviour in relation work, studies, and interpersonal interactions, objectivity, proper citation of sources, an intellectual property in research, studies, and scienti?c communication). Be open and hone communication with educators about your use of AI tools, and openly declare and cite all r technologies used in order to provide the complete context for your own work. If an instru or faculty does not recommend the use of AI tools in justi?ed cases, respect their decisio Conscientiousness, Responsibility Always carefully review and critically evaluate information obtained through AI to ensure reliable, accurate, and relevant in the context of your own work. Be aware that results ge tools may be misleading, erroneous, based on stereotypes or prejudices, or discriminatory. the use of any results generated by AI is always the responsibility of the author of the w Minimizing Your Reliance on AI We support and encourage the responsible use of AI tools. Moreover, in keeping with the go independent work and academic principles, we expect you not to use AI tools as a complete for independent work or your own e?orts in creating academic work. First and foremost, use as a supplemental means to support your own creativity, thinking, and problem-solving skil appropriately combining these tools with your own knowledge gained during your studies. Ac yourself on the capabilities and limitations of AI tools on a continual basis so that you recognize situations in which their use is appropriate and when it may con?ict with academ Please keep in mind that when evaluating your work, instructors will increasingly focus on clear knowledge of topics, a su?ciently deep understanding of the issues at hand, and the out high-quality thematic discussions. Safety When using AI tools, you also agree to the terms of their providers. If you provide AI too data or sensitive information, be aware that it can be accessed by unauthorized persons an We’re in This Together Even educators are just discovering how to best use AI tools and are getting to know their and limitations. They may have concerns or questions about their use in teaching and asses work. Be responsive and patient in dialogues with educators regarding the use of AI tools. them your experiences and insights from working with AI and be prepared to discuss togethe and negative aspects of their use. Cooperating with educators and sharing information can understand their expectations and improve the quality of your education. Finally, we would like to emphasize that AI is only one of many tools at your disposal dur The key to success is ?nding a balance between using AI and developing your own skills and Don’t forget that the main goal of your studies is to become independent, competent, and c professionals – and no AI-based tool can make this happen for you. It is important to unde society and your ?elds of study are constantly changing as a result of AI development. Thu to actively discuss and think about the e?ects of AI on your ?eld, your own future, and th society. We believe that, with a responsible approach to AI while adhering to academic pri be successful in your studies and your future career. We wish you much success in your studies and working with AI tools! RECOMMENDATIONS FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS (.pdf) [ URL "AIEN-13-version1-ai_1_en.pdf"]