For Primary and Secondary Education ****************************************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE USE OF GENERATIVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Perspective from Primary and Secondary Schools ****************************************************************************************** Artificial intelligence (AI) has great potential to improve the education and learning of pedagogical work of teachers. AI systems can help teachers identify specific educational n decisions, and use educational resources more effectively. With AI, we can achieve more in a better and more e?cient manner with respect to school an education. With AI, we can, for example, devote ourselves to more profound studies and res topics or identify the causes of our students’ failure more quickly. Our common goal shoul the quality of teachers’ pedagogical work with AI and to support students’ interest in rea life education. However, this requires teachers to have a basic understanding of AI in ord critically, judiciously, and ethically in the process of using this technology in a meanin be able to discover the potential of AI for the educational and learning needs of students there needs to be consensus on the rules for how to use the AI “assistant” in schools duri student learn, and in the pedagogical activities of teachers. Similar to other parts of the world, students and teachers in the Czech Republic are using more and more without even realizing it in some cases. Teachers will learn about the poten for education, including the possibilities of AI in processing big data in education (e.g. for learning analysis), which brings with it speci?c challenges (e.g. ethical standards, d regulations, and legal regulations). Many of the concerns with the use of AI in education or the lack of interest in addressing in school education arise from certain misconceptions about AI (AI is a “black box”; AI is AI systems cannot be trusted; AI will reduce or even replace the work of teachers , etc.). General Recommendations • Incorporate the principles for the functioning and use of AI into education, into school digital competence of all participants in the educational process (not only students, bu teachers). • Include in a natural manner the principles for the functioning of AI as a topic not only but also in other subject areas across all levels of education (acquiring su?cient knowl understanding the principles for the functioning of data-intensive technologies, etc.). • Create an environment of trust in schools, an environment to support the development of interests in learning (even outside of school, above and beyond the requirements of scho and in ?nding answers to their questions using various methods and technologies (includi only ordinary school-type problems. • Harness the potential of AI to ensure quality education, and at the same time, be aware impact related to the use of AI. • Reevaluate what tasks are given to students to solve and how the assessment of learning approached. In connection with AI, focus on other knowledge and skills (being able to as being able to look for errors, verifying sources, thinking critically, etc.) and on othe techniques, including the skills to use AI responsibly and creatively. • Provide teachers with the necessary information so that, for example, they know how spec for evaluation or for personalization work function in AI systems, etc. • Encourage the active involvement of teachers in the discussion about AI in education. (T interest in this issue should be promoted. You should be interested in their approaches to AI in education, so that teachers can orientate themselves with respect to what AI ca for their pedagogical work). Addressing the opinions and experiences of teachers who wor schools; their statements and examples can contribute to forming the foundations of mode tics and updating the educational content. Recommendations for Teachers • Support students’ experimentation (research) with AI and sharing the acquired experience classmates and friends, but also with you, the teachers. (Many teachers learned as stude methods. The students’ shared experiences will help you learn how to work with AI and ho experiences in your pedagogical work with students.) • Discover what can be done with AI, how you could use AI in your work as a teacher. Share bad experiences with AI with your colleagues at school; share with them not only the goo your ?ndings about the limits and risks of using AI in the work of a teacher and in the students. Share your experience with colleagues in associations, with educators of teach with IT specialists who work on the development of applications with AI. • Be interested in current results in AI development. Don’t be afraid to ask. Only then wi to meaningfully apply AI in education. • Don’t be afraid to use AI with your students at school. Don’t be afraid to change the wa verify your students’ learning outcomes. Encourage students to talk openly about how they have used AI in their work. Help your students realize that the au responsible for the result. • AI will signi?cantly a?ect the labour market, and we will be able to let robots and auto take on many jobs. However, this does not mean that human work and skills will not be needed. Exactly the opposite. You will need to focus on developing yo analytical and creative thinking and on their ?exibility in order to support their curio ability and motivation to learn throughout life, to be able to express empathy, etc. (ht [ URL " Recommendations for Students • Advocate for quality education. This requires tenacity, diligence, interest, desire to g of things, and curiosity. It requires you to be critical, to doubt, and to be honest in above all to yourself. • Don’t only have a desire to know, but also to understand. • Think about why it is important to learn. • Be interested in the original sources. Take care of the cultural and knowledge wealth th before us have achieved, and strive to contribute to this wealth. • Use technologies including AI for your learning, knowledge, and creativity. It’s just te procrastinate on tasks and problem solving. You, not the AI, are responsible for solving results. Sources: • EC (2022) Ethical guidelines on the use of arti?cial intelligence (AI) and data in teach for Educators. Luxembourg, 2022. • Reese, B. () Čtvrtý věk. Inteligentní roboti, myslící počítače a budoucnost lidstva. Zon 2018. Annexes: • Materials for the students of the Smíchov Secondary Technical School [ URL "https://driv drive/folders/1Y9BKh_OOZjYM39g-ghUJObpI0EY9sP0w"] RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS (.pdf) [ URL "AIEN-16-version1-ai_5_en.p